First Name
Last Name
1. How far did you get in the course?
Select all that apply
I watched all the videos
I reviewed all of the handouts
I watched some of the videos
I reviewed some of the handouts
2. Before taking the course, how did you feel about your trauma and relationships? What led you to decide to take my course?
3. Describe my approach to healing trauma and relationships. Did anything surprise you?
4. How did I make you feel during the learning process?
5. Why should other people choose to take this course?
6. What do I do BEST in this course?
7. Who is this course a "perfect fit" for?
8. What makes this course "special"?
9. Describe the biggest transformation you've seen in yourself since taking this course?
10. How do you feel about the future of your relationships after taking this course?
11. How has taking this course impacted the way you feel about navigating your trauma and relationships?
12. How can I improve my offerings and onboarding process?
13. Do you wish I had done anything differently?
14. Is there anything else you wish was included in this course?
15. Do you feel that the value of the course matched the price?
That feels too expensive for what was delivered 1
I think that’s perfect for the amount of value
I got more value than expected. I would paid more!